1. Enter location (city is sufficient)
2. Select turbine model
3. Select the height of the wind turbine
4. Click on `Get 4cast´
We work for wind farms worldwide and deliver customized forecasts that meet the requirements and wishes of the operators as well as local legal regulations.
Our yield forecasts for solar parks are becoming more and more accurate with your historical and current production data. By regularly training our machine learning models with your production data, they can learn and constantly improve the accuracy of our forecasts.
Buy or sell, store or feed in, sell now or later? To make these decisions reliably and within a few moments, you need to look into the future. Our forecasts make this possible at the time intervals you need, 24/7.
The profitability of many industries depends on the weather. The expertise in forecasting and big data that we have acquired thanks to our research opens up many opportunities. We are open to any challenge and eager to make the world a better place. Contact us.
1. Enter location (city is sufficient)
2. Select turbine model
3. Select the height of the wind turbine
4. Click on `Get 4cast´
The energy forecast you see is of course only a demo.
For real precision, just fill out the contact form below. We’ll be in touch to discuss the few steps required.
Eine präzise Energieprognose ist unerlässlich, um die Effizienz zu maximieren, die Wirtschaftlichkeit zu sichern und die regulatorischen Anforderungen zu erfüllen.
Mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen unterstützen wir Betreiber von Wind- und Solarparks sowie Direktvermarkter und Projektentwickler dabei, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und ihre Wertschöpfung zu maximieren. Unsere Expertise erstreckt sich über den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Erneuerbare-Energien-Projekten – von der Planung über den Betrieb bis hin zur Optimierung bestehender Anlagen.
Dazu bieten wir ein Portfolio automatisierter Produkte an:
Unsere Experten sind Deine Ansprechpartner